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1. I feel like it is very moving because it is something that we all have/will experience so I feel like you portrayed it in a really good way (considering the constraints). 

2. I think you did a good job of adjusting the game to the prompt perhaps I would add red for anger though? (this is just pushing it though, because I think you portrayed it well)  

This a visually beautiful game, and does a great job of using the dialogue and simplistic art to make you feel exactly what the character is feeling in each scene. And the use of different color palettes to represent different emotions worked well. 

This game made me think about the losses that I have endured, made me understand what the game was putting out. I think it was a great way to fit the color palette prompt. 

Really beautiful.  I thought the scene with the shrinking room was especially moving and relatable, as well as a really creative way to use the changing environments prompt.  The game was sad, but also distinctly hopeful.  I think the idea of sending paper boats into the water even knowing that they'll sink is really beautiful.

For the first question, this game makes me feel a bit sad, because the story that the video game is telling is kind of depressing.

For the second question, I feel like the game fit the prompt well, as the environments of the game were changing as the game progressed.

Beautiful game. I felt the loss. The imagery of the room shrinking until it was solely a tunnel that the main character had to walk through was very poignant. And also the conversation with the observer (the player) that went throughout the entire narrative was very impactful. One thing that might be worth adding is walls above the intended route for the sprite. As to insure that the player can't 'fly' around the screen (Although, it is a cool motif to include in a game like this somewhere).